Saturday, December 27, 2008

Finally a picture of me in fire mode. I know, I'm totally sexy +)
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Tuesday, December 23, 2008

First ambulance run!

So before I can be an EMT I had to learn to be an ambulance driver. I first took an AVOC (ambulatory vehicle operations course) class which included eight hours of class time plus a lab where we had to drive an obstacle course. Then I had to drive around the island for ten hours with a Field Training Officer (FTO) and back down lots of driveways. Then I was supposed to do at least two probationary runs on the mainland, actually driving to the hospital with lights and sirens. Fred, my chief, said after my tens hours that I could skip the probationary runs because both of my FTO's rated me as excellent! So yesterday we got and call and I was the only driver to show up. Woohoo, it was fun. You gotta love going down route one in Camden and watching all the traffic move over for you, such power! Plus playing with buttons and making lots of noise is like so much fun! I just glad I go the first run over with, so maybe I'll get a little less nervous every time the pager goes off.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

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This is Diesel and his sister Strudel.

Say hello to the up-island spider. They are only found on the north end of the island and no where else in the world. They are big and fast!

I still don't know how Diesel got on the tractor with me!

Diesel is a nut!

In my old truck there was a narrow space between the two front seats and he would sleep like this all the time!


You know its cold on the island when the air is colder then the ocean! I always worry about the ducks this time of year but they seem to be loving it. I was watching them this morning and they lay on the snow and tuck their feet up under their feathers, I think that is really convienent! Anyway I hope every is staying warm or cool depending on where you are!
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Friday, December 19, 2008

So, I'm having a little trouble posting pictures. I really wanted to post some pictures from the last year, but I've only been successful with one. So please be patience, I'll try later tonight maybe when less people are clogging up the lines.

Eric and Diesel at the helm.
(Sarah I thought you especially would like this one!)

Thursday, December 18, 2008

To the rescue

Wow, so busy. I joined the fire department here on the island about a year ago then joined the water rescue team and then I'm taking the EMT-B course this winter. Did I mention I'm also the treasurer for the Islesboro Ambulance Association. Oh yeah, and I also take care of close to fifty animals seven days a week. So if any kind of accident happens on this island I'm sure to be there, including someone in the water. We went swimming last week during the big storm to see what it would be like in the waves, the water actually felt warm. The week before that the water temp was 46 degrees! We of course wear wet or dry suits to keep warm, and it's not being in the water that's a challenge it getting out into the cold air! I've always loved to swim and by joining the wet team I can swim year round. I've even had Diesel out there with us during a drill. But he's not much help, while my team mate were trying to "rescue" me, Diesel was trying to get them to throw the tennis ball and splashing them in the face. It was all good fun.

We had one of the biggest fires on the island that we've ever had the other day and I missed it! They were burning brush at the transfer station and one of the embers lit a mattress on fire in one of the big dumpsters. Under the mattress were wooden pallets them asphalt shingles, I guess it really got going. I was on the mainland when it happened so I didn't get to go, I didn't realize until joining the fire department how much of an adrenaline junkie I really am!

Anyway I hope all is well and please leave me posts and let me know what you are up to!